Heat Recovery Ventilation

Heat Recovery Ventilation

There are many reasons to install a  HRV system and several of the homeowners we visited included one in their renovation or build. Having a system like this becomes really important when you have a well sealed home and no system of air exchange.

Mark and I had one installed when we renovated a log home a few years ago so we have first hand experience. We installed a Solar Thermal heating system which distributed the heat through the existing radiators in the main floor and loft and in-floor heating in the lower walk out level as well as an attached garage. There is no air exchange in these kind of systems so the HRV did this work.

HRV brings in fresh air and filters it before sending to all areas of the home. It removes stale air from the kitchen and bathrooms and sends this outside. The core of the system has a heat transfer module which takes heat from the outgoing air to pre-heat incoming air. This means instead of sending cool air throughout your home, you are pre-warming it with the exhaust air. Don’t worry, this incoming and outgoing air never physically touch.