Baxter Learns to Count to Ten eBook

Baxter Learns to Count to Ten eBook

Enhanced eBook NOW Available!

I am a really big nature lover and I love to photograph Butterflies, Bumblebees and other small animals, insects, flora and fauna. I also have a very remarkable and loveable dog. Baxter shows us nature through the eyes of a loveable, sometimes sloppy, somewhat slobbery, very large dog and teach children to love nature as well.

This Baxter the Big Dog Book takes you through a day where Baxter Learns to Count to Ten, Once and then Again! He counts wild flowers and other things on the forest trail with the help of his best friend Wally the squirrel.

Help your child to learn to count as well as appreciate beautiful wild flowers. The book features read along audio as well as text highlighting.

This eBook

  • Passes on a love of nature photography to children
  • Goes through several flowers types naming them so that children may understand the diversity in shapes and colors
  • Teaches children to count to ten in an entertaining way

iTunes Link: Baxter Learns to Count to Ten.

  • $7.99
  • Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac.
  • Category: Children’s Fiction
  • Print Length: 28 Pages
  • Language: English
  • Requirements: To view this book, you must have an iOS device with iBooks 3 or later and iOS 4.3 or later, or a Mac with iBooks 1.0 or later and OS X 10.9 or later.